What is inturrupt buffer in scrum??
Is anyone aware about this term - "Inturrupt Buffer" in scrum ?Why & when to use this ?
View ArticleGetting hands on, practical experience
A year ago I decided I wanted a change of career and studied for and passed the PSM1 certification. Things didn't pick up that quickly but now I'd like to continue studying and take this further with...
View ArticleA methodology for slicing user stories vertically
We would like to recall the format of an user story: As a (role),I want to (behavior),So that (the value)Example:As a user, I hope to search through some attributes of books, so that I can quickly...
View ArticleWhich open assessments are relevant for pms-1 preperation?
hello!i was wondering on which open assessments i should focus while preparing for my pms-1 certification. i feel like scrum open and product owner open fits well to the information i find in the scrum...
View ArticleAre there metrics to show management the need for more resources?
I have a new scrum team that I have been assigned to that feels that they need more people on their team. Management has told them that they need to show that they need more people on their team...
View ArticleDevelopper un robot
Bonjour à tous, J'aurai besoin de vos idées pour m'aider à developper un robot qui ramasse des objetsComment utiliseriez vous la méthode scrum? Je ne sais pas si je dois utiliser des EPIC ou plutôt des...
View ArticleSprint review question
I understand that at the end of each sprint (2-4 weeks) we release in Production environment the new features.The question is about "Sprint review":Sprint review is done at the end of the sprint.Is the...
View ArticleNewly formed Scrum teams without much of experience
Hi guys, I was wondering can you share your thoughts about your approach with Scrum teams that are not that experienced and knowledgeable about Scrum (e.g. Devs mainly juniors and PO with a PM...
View ArticleHow to handle technical debt
My team is struggling with defect Management and technical debt. How can we handle that . Any ideas
View Articlebugs detection
What's a scrum master role if a bug was detected by a team. What right questions should the SM ask and what steps should they take?
View ArticleDevelopers holding each other accountable as professionals.
Hi As per the the Scrum Guide, Developers are accountable for - Holding each other accountable as professionals. Can someone please explain the meaning and idea behind this? I tried to with multiple...
Hello Everyone, I have recently earned my PSM 1 certification. I would like to know how can i gain scrum experience. Is there any type of of volunteer projects or internships i can apply from. I have...
View Articleexam guidelines for PSD Certification
I'm going to take Scrum Professional Developer Certification Exam.I'd like to know the guidelines, examples, and where do I look for material before taking the exam ?Thanks in advance.Carlos
View ArticleNeed Experience As A scrum Master.
Hello, I have been Scrum certified for a few years now with 3 certificates and never worked as a Scrum Master. I have decided to switch Careers now to become a Scrum Master. I wish to know how I can...
View ArticleTeam delivers Value but burndown charts are not looking good , how to "solve"?
Hey Scrum Community,this is my first position in this role so all help is appreciated. I have been with my team for 6 months ago and we have been following the shu-ha-ri approach towards SCRUM -...
View ArticleProduction like Test Environment
If we manage a product development organization and Some of our teams determine that they need access to a "production-like" test environment so that they can asssess the availability of their...
View ArticleCollective ownership vs Extreme Ownership
Hi Folks,What's the difference between Collective ownership vs Extreme Ownership?Does both practices are applicable for scrum teams? When do you use and what?Appreciates your input and thanks in advance!
View ArticleJQL to select some stories
Hi people, I need your help in defining a JQL that only picks some stories from given criteria. To elaborate I have 4 stories:Story1 with fixversion A, BStory2 with fixversion A, B, CStory3 with...
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